Cereus hildmannianus "Wild Thing'

Cereus hildmannianus  "Wild Thing'

Cereus hildmannianus  "Wild Thing'

'Wild Thing' is an exciting release created by Paradisia. Highly variable in growth habit from full cristation to multi-stem forming, this cultivar is unique as it forms no spines and has a soft skin. Depending on growth habit it can remain short and compact or get up to 50 cm or taller.

Position - almost-protected shaded positions outdoors.

Indoors only in sunny positions otherwise they will lose their nice shape and become thin and weak.

Watering - can be watered all year round and grow fastest in the warmer months. Plants will survive without water for very long periods and remain compact when dry.

Feeding - 25% of recommended dosage monthly in growing period. The less fertiliser, the better the shape of the plant. Fertilisers high in nitrogen can produce larger plants with less colour.

Repotting - can be left to overgrow their pots, or repotted in the warmer months in almost any well drained potting mix.h in tv

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by Wayne Turville – August 08, 2024