Echinopsis cv. Chocolate

Echinopsis cv. Chocolate


Echinopsis cultivar 'Chocolate'

Chocolate is a very strange mutation with unusual growth patterns varying from cristation to monstrose growths. Plants will eventually form amazing indescribable shapes.

Position - full sun or partial shade. Only in pots in protected positions. Indoors only in sunny positions otherwise they will lose their nice shape.

They can be moved into sunny positions for a few days at a time.

Watering - keep on the dry side during colder months.

In warmer months allow to dry between waterings to keep growth compact.

Feeding - only 10% or less of recommended fertiliser once every month in summer months so growth remains tight and compact.

Repotting - can be left to overgrow their pots for many years.

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by Wayne Turville – August 14, 2024