Orchids and Fungi in the potting mix. No problem!

Orchids and Fungi in the potting mix.   No problem!

Orchids and Fungi in the potting mix. No problem!

All of us will see this from time to time. Blooms of fungi Mycelium and threads and even fruits of fungi in the Orchid potting mix.

Sometimes it gets so bad it totally binds up the mix
If this happens simply soak the orchid ina bucker of water and drown the fungi.
It takes about an hour or two.
Simple But effective.
maybe add 1 single drop of dishwshing liquid to the bucket for extra penetration
Unless the mix is totally bound, dont worry about it. 
Fungicides wont make any difference.
Its just a natural way that nutrients are released and passed on to the orchids.

by Wayne Turville – February 12, 2024